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HHS Budget Investments in Nevada

HHS Budget Investments in Nevada: Learn how much HHS invests in Nevada.

HHS Budget Investments in Nevada

Icon of the state of Nevada.
HHS invested $29.5 Billion in Nevada to enhance the health and well-being of Americans at every stage of life by delivering and financing effective health and human services and fostering sound, sustained advances in the sciences underlying medicine, public health, and social services.

Investment Highlights FY2009-2014

Safe and Strong Families icon Safe and Strong Families

HHS invested $1.32 Billion in Nevada to help provide low income families, people with disabilities, and older adults with the opportunity to live with dignity, independence, and participate fully in American life.

Early Childhood Development icon Early Childhood Development

High-quality early child care, education opportunities, and parent support help prepare our nation’s youngest learners for entry into formal schooling. HHS invested $364.1 Million in Nevada to help children birth to age 5 living in low-income families achieve a path to success.

Health Care Services icon Health Care Services

HHS works to improve access to health care services for people who are medically underserved and fulfill tribal obligations, and invested $653 Million in Nevada. Programs emphasize primary and preventive care, address health disparities, reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness, improve the quality of care, and build the workforce.

Public Health and Emergency Preparedness icon Public Health and Emergency Preparedness

HHS invested $251.9 Million in Nevada to conduct surveillance and provide health information that protects our nation against expensive and dangerous health threats, and responds when these arise.

Science and Health Research icon Science and Health Research

HHS invested $142 Million in Nevada to support biomedical and health services research to improve human health, sustain jobs in science and medicine, and ensure that health care is safer, more affordable, and highly effective.

Health Care Financing icon Health Care Financing

Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and health insurance reforms delivered $26.7 Billion in Nevada to provide high quality health insurance coverage for the elderly, children, low income families, people with disabilities, and people seeking private health insurance plans.

About Nevada

Life expectancy for a child born in NV today is 76.05 years.
The 2013 infant mortality rate was 5.45 deaths per 1,000 live births.
In 2013, of those people in Nevada with health insurance, approximately 62.3% percent were covered by private insurance, 14.9% by Medicare, and 12.7% by Medicaid. Approximately 20.7% of Nevada’s population had no health insurance.
For the 2015 open enrollment period, 62,944 Nevada residents enrolled in the Marketplace, of whom84% received federal subsidies to reduce their premiums and/or cost sharing requirements. The average monthly premium after tax credit is $105.
27 community health centers were funded to deliver primary care and serving over 70,014 patients.
In 2013/14, Head Start and Early Head Start enrolled 2,852 children.
In 2013, 33.0% of office-based physicians in Nevada met criteria for meaningful use of electronic health records.


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